Flash Fiction Magazines
So, you’ve been on one of my courses and you’re keen to share your work with the world. Where do you start?
Here, I list prestigious and well-established literary magazines that publish flash fiction, short stories, creative non-fiction and some poetry. For competitions visit Where Can I Send My Writing?
Share your stories with the world.
Bath Flash Fiction award – competitions for flash and novella in flash with cash prizes and stories published in print. Also, interviews, blog, as well as organising the UK’s national Flash Fiction Festival (international authors attend).
Cabinet of Heed The Cabinet of Heed is a free monthly online literary journal that publishes excellent short stories, poetry and flash fiction.
Splonk Irish magazine focusing on flash. Very prestigious
The Short Story.co.uk TSS Publishing – short story and flash competitions, non-fiction, interviews and reviews
JellyFish Review currently closed for submissions, but do look at their back catalogue of fiction
Riggwelter Accepts stories, poetry, art, fiction, poetry
FlashBack Fiction. Free entry. Historical stories (set over 50 years ago).
Fictive Dream If you write fiction with a contemporary feel that gives an insight into the human condition, then we’d like to hear from you. We’re interested in stories with a distinctive voice, clarity of thought and precision of language. They may be on any subject. They may be challenging, dramatic, playful, exhilarating or cryptic. Above all, they must be well-crafted and compelling.
Ink, Sweat and Tears Publish poetry, prose, haiku
Smoke Long Quarterly One of the most prestigious magazines out there. Also craft essays on writing as well as highlighting exciting work.
New Flash Fiction Review Quality magazine with monthly submissions
Litro Magazine Established literary magazine
National Flash Fiction Day – competition with prize of publication in annual anthology
Ambit – up to 1,000 words, submission fee £6. “We’re very enthusiastic about flash and very short fiction too which is under 1000 words that have not been published elsewhere including blogs and internet. Portal opens twice a year on 1st February &1st September”
Flash Magazine The International Short-Short Story Magazine.
Popshot Publish fiction, poetry from the literary new blood
Structro High-quality literary magazine
Phare A new magazine created by MA Creative Writing students from the University of Gloucester. Short fiction, flash, poetry and photography
OkayDonkey Looking for new work
Wigleaf Open each month except for December.
Fudoki Accepts stories based on myths, legends, folklore and fairy tales.
Twitter is a great resource where writers and online magazines network. The writing community is very helpful and writers often list where they’ve been published, what mags are accepting work and so on.
For a list of websites with powerful tools for searching via genre, costs, deadlines, submission opportunities, prizes then visit my blog post, Where Can I send my Writing?
Good luck, everyone.